Ikatec Code of Ethics

It is with great pleasure that IKATEC presents to everyone its Code of Ethics, through which the ethical and business conduct parameters guiding the activities and decisions of its entire management team and employees (“our Code“) are declared.

IKATEC, recognized for its ethics and quality of services, has become a reference in the TECHNOLOGY field, gaining more and more space in the market and consolidating its reputation for integrity and commitment to always do its best for its clients.

Our main objective remains the development and growth of our human relations, reflecting the values of goodness in our activities, supported by the pillars of integrity, professionalism, excellence, ethics, and transparency.

Our greatest asset is our employees and clients. It is for them and with them in mind that we have built our image and position in the market. Therefore, we understand that to build an ethical business model, we must act in accordance with the guidelines of this Code, always respecting the law, and with the participation of all, ensuring a more just society.

Similarly, we work to develop a healthy, balanced, and ethical work environment, fulfilling our professional and social role.

Caring for the present and the future with responsibility and humanity is to create a culture of harmony and evolution, the “IKATEC Culture,“ a guarantee not only of personal success but of all involved, reflecting in an increasingly ethical and solid organization.

Objective and Application

This Code regulates and establishes principles that we expect all partners, directors, administrators, employees, representatives, business partners, service providers, suppliers (collectively referred to as “Collaborators“), and companies linked in any way to IKATEC to follow.


The following values are part of the Code and the IKATEC Culture:

1 - Agility, promptness, and speed are attitudes we value most;

2 - Patience, resilience, and planning are practices to which we are always committed;

3 - Goodwill and good character are our unwavering attributes;

4 - Commitment and dedication in solving our clients' demands;

5 - As we love what we do, we always seek new paths for the growth of our clients;

6 - We are bold, daring, courageous, and not afraid to take calculated risks to deliver work with minimized risks to our clients;

7 - Satisfied with our proactivity but never complacent;

8 - Responsible for our work and our clients;

9 - We pay attention to market trends to apply our dose of visionaries in order to provide our clients with a good business strategy.

Ethical Decisions and Responsibilities of Collaborators

IKATEC condemns any situation that is not guided by integrity, ethics, and transparency, which may compromise the company's image and reputation or be in violation of the law.

For making ethically guided decisions, every collaborator should ask themselves three essential questions, especially when in doubt about decency, well-being, and humanity. These questions are:

I. Is the action contrary to current legislation?
II. Does it violate the IKATEC Code, policies, internal norms, and guidelines?
III. Is the action not aligned with any of IKATEC's organizational values?

If the answer to any of the above questions is affirmative, the action is considered inappropriate and should not be carried out.

If there is doubt about the answer to any of the questions, the Collaborator should report the situation to IKATEC's Management for guidance on how to proceed.

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Work Environment

Human life is invaluable. We are committed to creating and maintaining dignified working conditions for our Collaborators. To promote a safe, healthy, and harmonious work environment, we respect applicable laws on health and safety at work, providing a balanced environment and suitable equipment necessary for proper performance of activities.

Health is an essential requirement for life. Thus, carrying or consuming drugs on our premises or when representing the company elsewhere is strictly prohibited. Carrying weapons outside the limits established by the Law and competent authorities is expressly forbidden.


Equality and justice are essential to creating a harmonious and dignified work environment. Non-discrimination is a crucial step towards creating a balanced world. We value our employees' ability to work, and race, color, religion, gender, marital status, religious, political or sexual orientation, social class, place of origin, or being a person with a disability should not influence decisions about promotion, dismissal, or any other career-related or hiring-related act. We reject child, forced, or bonded labor, respecting labor laws.


Society must be plural. Our Collaborators' participation in political, community, or association activities is free, but it must remain within the scope of their personal life and not interfere with their professional activities. Collaborators must make it clear that their personal positions and opinions do not reflect the official position of IKATEC.

While association and political opinions are free, they must remain restricted to the private sphere of the Collaborator, and any political campaigning or discussions within the company's facilities and premises are prohibited.


Society must progress. Through social and educational projects, IKATEC contributes to achieving better socio-economic conditions for our community, promoting awareness of the importance of collective and individual responsibility as citizens.

IKATEC is committed to promoting family and youth development through partnerships with reputable entities.


Our world is our home. Protecting and making better use of all our home's resources is essential for human development and harmony for all. Our commitment also includes compliance with national environmental legislation in our activities.

Conscious use of natural resources and technologies is encouraged. We are committed to participating in actions that ensure balance in the environment, such as soil restoration, tree planting, use of technologies for energy and natural resource conservation, as well as recycling any waste we generate, currently in partnership with the company: Biosinergia.


Respecting the law is a rule. Ensuring safety and ethical actions in communication and information usage are part of our activity.

Proper communication and timely disclosure of information according to each process outlined in the POP, in a complete, accurate, clear, and truthful manner.

Good communication within IKATEC is essential for alignment and cohesion throughout the organization. Good communication means that the message transmitted from the sender to the receiver is clearly and objectively understood in its entirety.

Each Collaborator is responsible for safeguarding the information entrusted to them and for handling and issuing documents correctly, in compliance with IKATEC's internal rules and legislation.


Confidential information includes all private information that is not public knowledge, whether from IKATEC or its Collaborators, related to projects, services, technical data, business, reports, procedures, contracts, know-how, and client information, among others (known as Confidential Information).

Using such Confidential Information for personal benefit or the benefit of third parties or any other purpose unrelated to IKATEC's activities is strictly prohibited.

It is the duty of all to protect IKATEC's Confidential Information. Improper disclosure may pose risks and harm to the business and clients. Any information should only be disclosed in cases provided for by law, internal rules, or with prior written authorization from the management.

Confidentiality agreements must be observed. The breach of confidentiality and improper use of Confidential Information may result in penalties for the Collaborators, such as dismissal or contract termination, without prejudice to the sanctions provided by applicable law.

Guidelines to be followed to avoid liability:

I. Maintain confidentiality regarding all information and documents;
II. Do not disclose confidential information to third parties or Collaborators who are not directly involved in the work;
III. Do not divulge images without authorization;
IV. Do not provide access passwords to anyone;
V. Be diligent with the use of information storage equipment and “pen-drives.“


Caring for the resources of the planet also involves caring for the company's resources. Preserving the facilities, materials, resources, and equipment in the workplace and conserving them is part of this human duty. Discipline is essential to building a firm character and acting for the common good, and complying with internal rules demonstrates love for others and harmony with the work environment, which includes the proper use and preservation of assets and equipment.

Intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, know-how, and software, must also be protected and used correctly.

Valuing and taking care of everything that constitutes the company is essential to fulfill our commitment to always do our best, including for our clients.


Developing the best for our clients, being attentive to the market, and respecting the law are commitments we make.

The intellectual property of works developed by Collaborators during their activities (trademarks, patents, copyrights, software, among others) is owned by IKATEC and must always be protected and preserved.

Similarly, we are committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of third parties, including clients and partners.


We conduct our business with integrity, ethics, transparency, and good faith. We comply with tax and accounting laws. Accurate financial and accounting records and technical quality are ways to affirm truth and transparency in our transactions.

All payments and receipts must be correct, comply with internal rules, and meet legal requirements, including having their accounting carried out with accuracy, including receipts.


We conduct business ethically, transparently, and honestly. We do not offer or accept bribes, nor do we tolerate corruption wherever we operate or wherever our products or services are sold or acquired.

Therefore, we do not:

I. Authorize, pay, promise, or offer anything to a public official to unduly influence them to act in our favor;
II. Request or authorize any third party to make such payments, promises, or offers on our behalf;
III. Accept bribes from public or private employees.

We believe in a healthy relationship between IKATEC and society. Corruption, in any form, harms all aspects of society.

If any Collaborator experiences an uncomfortable situation where they are asked for a bribe, they should immediately report it to IKATEC's Management.


To avoid any impropriety, the offering or receiving, by our Collaborators, of any type of gift or courtesy (including but not limited to cash, meals, trips, and entertainment) should be avoided.

IKATEC understands that gifts, presents, and entertainment (including meals) can help strengthen business relationships and are used in certain cultures. Collaborators must ensure that the offer or acceptance of gifts, presents, and entertainment complies with applicable national and foreign laws, as well as internal policies and norms.

Any offering or acceptance of gifts, presents, and entertainment must not be made with the intention of obtaining undue advantages. Such gifts, presents, or entertainment should only be offered or accepted if appropriate, reasonable for promotional purposes, consistent with local practices, company standards, and in accordance with the law. All doubts regarding this matter can and should be clarified by consulting the Directorate.

Any and all non-promotional gifts or presents received by our Collaborators that do not fall within this framework should be forwarded to the Directorate for:

I. Conducting a raffle or equitable distribution among all Collaborators;
II. Returned;
III. Or allocated as defined by the legislation.


Facilitation payments on behalf of IKATEC, understood as amounts paid to agents or public bodies, private entities, or individuals to expedite and facilitate routine procedures that are not expressly provided for by law, are prohibited.

Urgency fees or related payments may be made, provided they are expressly stipulated by the authorities or authorized by the legislation.


Only the Directorate of IKATEC or those duly authorized in writing are entitled to provide statements to the press or issue official notes involving our organization.


It is essential to treat all partners without discrimination and in good faith. Therefore, we prioritize the adoption of the best corporate governance practices and instruct that transactions between Collaborators and companies controlled by IKATEC comply with internal rules, safeguarding the separation between ownership and management, avoiding privileges or conflicts of interest.


We are ethical, value transparency, and good faith, and any third parties, partners, suppliers, and service providers contracting with us must have the same integrity. No bias in hiring or assumption of risk conditions is allowed.

We emphasize objectivity, and contracts and partnerships should be based on these principles. Illegal favoritism or undue advantage is prohibited.


We reject anti-competitive practices. Thus, it is forbidden to:

I. Engage in cartel formation;
II. Sell products below cost price (predatory pricing).

We commit ourselves to fair competition in the market, fostering a culture against anti-competitive practices. We value and strive for a free and plural market to consolidate real social justice, always respecting the law.


Personal relationships must not influence decision-making by our Collaborators, either for their own benefit or for the benefit of their families. Occasions where the personal interests of our Collaborators or their family members conflict with the interests of the company constitute situations of conflict of interests.

Conflicts of interest may also arise when our Collaborators engage in other activities that, due to their nature, are incompatible with their duties and our interests. In any case, our Collaborators must always decide in favor of preserving and upholding the interests of our company.

Any situation that constitutes a real or potential conflict between the interests of the Collaborators and those of IKATEC poses a risk to professionalism and business ethics. In any such case, it is essential to preserve the interests of IKATEC, and in case of doubt, the Directorate should be consulted.

Conflicts of interest may occur when any Collaborators or their family members:

I. Have a financial interest in any business or company that is our client, supplier, or competitor;
II. Are public or contracted employees, temporarily or not, of any public agency or entity with which IKATEC interacts;
III. Personally benefit from opportunities or resources that have come to them due to their position in IKATEC;
IV. Use IKATEC's assets for personal use or outside of their normal activity;
V. Engage in external work that interferes with their ability to perform their activities in IKATEC.


IKATEC does not make donations to political parties nor support elected officials to public positions; all relationships with the government at any level are carried out in accordance with the law.

IKATEC's principle is not to work with third parties or to hire employees who support parties linked or connected to illegal or dubious activities, whether national or foreign.

Any charitable donation must be based on a prior and detailed investigation of the entity that will receive the donation, and it should not have any connections with organizations or parties linked to illegal, corrupt, or dubious activities, or that have been convicted of corruption or similar crimes, whether national or foreign.

Sponsorships are also subject to a thorough analysis regarding events related to IKATEC's social objectives.

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Ensuring faithful compliance with the Code is the duty of all of us. If any Collaborator has doubts, witnesses or suspects an unethical act or a violation or potential violation of anything stated here, they may (and are encouraged to) report the situation to the Directorate of IKATEC.

If the Collaborator does not feel comfortable addressing the Directorate, they may bring the matter to HR or the Legal Department, where they can comfortably and securely clarify doubts and report problems.

By reporting their legitimate concerns in good faith, the Collaborator is acting committed to the honesty, transparency, and harmony of our company.

All issues will be promptly considered, answered, and, as appropriate, investigated, where we will make every effort to ensure confidentiality.

To guarantee confidentiality, anonymity, and the protection of the informant and others involved, IKATEC reserves the right not to disclose the progress or outcome of investigations into reports.

No retaliation or intimidation against the informant will be tolerated. If the informant feels coerced or harmed, they may report such retaliation to the Directorate.


Non-compliance with the guidelines contained in this Code, internal policies, or current legislation may result in disciplinary measures being applied to the Collaborators who violate them, such as dismissal or contract termination, as appropriate, without prejudice to sanctions provided for by law.


THIS CODE COMES INTO EFFECT ON 11/05/2022 and will remain indefinitely in force, being mandatory for all Sócios and Collaborators.

Upon receiving a copy of this Code, the Collaborators must be acquainted with and adhere to its terms THROUGH DIGITAL SIGNATURE.


We commit ourselves to continuously review and update this Code and our policies. We may change this Code at any time, for any reason.


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